Next generation telemedicine platform for clinicians. Simple, flexible, scalable, remote, continuous patient care that connects to any mobile device. Your practice can have your own enhanced platform with diagnostic device and deploy very quickly and efficiently
TelaSpot, can address the workforce shortage, and overcrowded clinical space by allowing for real time evaluation and clinical assessment as close as possible to the evaluation in person. TelaSpot mirrors the intuitive clinical workflow making both the deployment and use straightforward.
Use of TelaSpot can reduce the:
TelaSpot also helps monitor patients post discharge and reduce readmission rates!
Prior to their appointment, request a Spot device be delivered to your patient’s home.
Physicians can log into a secure patient portal and review exam results uploaded by your patients. These results offer the vital cardiopulmonary information needed to improve the efficacy of your telemedicine appointments.
Keeping patients at home and out of crowded waiting rooms is in everyone’s best interest. Spot allows you to remotely monitor a number of cardiopulmonary conditions, including Covid-19. Keep your staff and your patients safer with remote monitoring.
Your patients need more from telemedicine than a video consult. Listening to heart and lung sounds is critical to determining the health of your patients. That’s why Steth IO created Spot, the remote cardiopulmonary monitoring device that operates as an at-home stethoscope. Spot is inexpensive, simple for both patients and providers to use, and records heart and lung sounds for live or delayed listening.
Gaining access to the right information is critical to patient care. Spot uses an algorithmically-guided examination to ensure high-quality patient data for physician review.
For chronic conditions, Spot allows billable, continual remote monitoring of many chronic conditions while preserving in-office resources.
Spot allows you to save both time and money while offering a high level of care to patients remotely and inexpensively, with better reimbursement rates.
We’ll work with you to ensure HIPAA-compliant exam information is uploaded to your preferred electronic medical record system.
The Steth IO Spot system is affordable and simulates a clinic visit while offering attractive reimbursement rates and unmatched convenience for both patients and providers. Care providers are billed under the following structure: